Get To Know Us
Rose Muita is a Community, leader, counselor, and retired church elder, dealing with encouraging young men and youth who are into drugs, alcohol and other addictive substances in Kenya, Meets with "Boychild" for guidance, counselling, building of self-esteem and identity. The proceeds from sales will go towards projects such as buying bibles, heifers, avocado seedlings, and farm inputs for Community Men Empowerment Fellowship (CMEF) Self Help Group and other subsidiary men groups in Nyeri, Kenya. Rose is a senior citizen interested in technology, internet marketing and Christian themes. Upcoming designer on Canva, Redbubble and Bookbolt. Selling Christian Prayer Journals, Notebooks, Cookbooks. Health and Fitness Literature, Religion and Spirituality, and Dieting in order to meet the needs of these young men..
Besides being founder of CMEF, she is also chair to Genesis Farmers Group, Jiinue Gathare Self Help Group which raises pigs and Gaikuyu Nyeri County Dispensary.